Office 365 shared mailbox prompting Search Protocol Host password prompt

I have a client who has two shared mailboxes in Outlook and they started to receive a password prompt asking for the password of the shared mailbox account. Typically the shared mailbox accounts do not have password. I know that it is possible to assign a password and then grant webmail access but in this case, no matter what password we tried, the password prompt never went away.

It appears that if you have previous Outlook profiles with that particular account added to said profile and it was not an actual Exchange or Exchange shared mailbox at one point then you will receive a password prompt as Windows is trying to index that file for search.


Realtek NIC constantly disconnecting and reconnecting on Windows 10

If you encounter a workstation that has a Realtek NIC that constantly connects to the network and reconnects, I suggest you turn the following settings off or on in device manager:

Auto Disable Gigabit > Relink Battery or AC
Green Ethernet > Disable
Energy Efficient Ethernet > Disable

Thanks to: for the fix.

PS, this is truly a random fix. This was a shot in the dark right out of far left field and it worked. I was going to replace the NIC as the next step but glad I tried this.

How to get rid of the extra page when you create a Word envelope

If you’re like me, I cannot stand the extra page that is generated by Microsoft Word when you create an envelope to be printed. It wastes an perfectly fine piece of paper every time you want to print an envelope unless you hit print the first page only. Who does that? I don’t. I ended up using my Google-Fu and found this link above which shows you exactly how to get rid of the page. Make sure you save the file after you make the changes and delete the second page.

I upgraded to Office 365 64-Bit

I’m not sure if this is placebo but I swear that the Office programs run faster and even the add-ins such as the Grammarly Add-In for Outlook runs a lot faster. I’m in the preliminary stages as I am still testing it out. But once I heard that Office 2019 was going to be installed by default as a 64-Bit application, I figured it was time to make the move.

Adobe InDesign 2019 crashing after opening

I had a client who was experiencing Adobe InDesign 2019 crashing a few seconds after opening it. . It did not matter what file they were working with. I created a brand new file and within a few seconds of trying to draw with the Pen tool, InDesign would close out and crash. This was happening on a brand new iMac, with High Sierra and Adobe Creative Cloud.

I could not recreate the problem on my laptop which is a MacBook Pro with Mojave and I am using the same version of Creative Cloud/InDesign as my client.

I soon Googled and then searched Twitter and found that multiple people were having the same issue. I figured at that point it was probably an issue with the activation servers that the software uses to call home every once in a while.

Just the fact that the software is calling home so much and a mistake on one of Adobe’s server can cause such a large issue is very concerning. Especially when you’re paying these guys hundreds if not thousands of dollars per month to borrow their software. The last they could do is get it right.

According to this forum post from an Adobe staff member by the name of Steve, the issue was a server on Adobe’s end, which I guessed correctly:

Per the thread, things should be fixed. We’ll see.